Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Does reading affect our dreams?
Hey everyone!
I'm doing a scientific research study for a paper for my writing class in college, and I would love for any responses considering the topic of reading and dreaming. I am interested in learning about people's reading habits and looking into the various types of dreams that the individual is experiencing. I am curious if there is a correlation between reading and dreaming, so I need your help! You can either fill out the embed form below or follow this link to fill it out in a new screen. It will take no more than 5-10 minutes to fill out. Any additional questions or comments would also be appreciated. Thanks so much!
Friday, June 14, 2013
A Life Update: eBooks, School, and Randomness!
Well guys, it has been way too long since I have even remotely posted regularly... I really do miss the whole blogosphere and following up on the latest bookish updates. These past few weeks have been so nice to finally be able to have the energy and desire to read for fun again. I never thought this would happen to me, but I am officially addicted to reading on my Kindle Fire and Android using the Kindle app, instead of reading physical books. I, for some reason, just do not really like reading hard copy books anymore, since eBooks are just so much more convenient for me. I still love to collect books and that definitely will never change.
A few months ago, I was super lucky to win a Kindle Fire HD from Amazon Student! I had one of the original Kindles from a couple years back, so I was pretty excited to be given the opportunity to upgrade. I have fallen in love with my Kindle Fire and love how my Fire and Android sync with one another, so I can flawlessly go back and forth between both devices. I definitely recommend giving eBooks a chance if you haven't already made the change.
Besides the Kindle, everything has been going pretty well with school and classes—I'm still in love and happy with my writing major! This past year I had some unique opportunities that made me want to pursue a career in editing even more. I was in a literary publishing class that put out our school's literary magazine, in which I helped co-edit and even had a picture of mine published in it! Most recently, last semester I started working at my school's I.T. department doing editing and writing for their online technology articles. It has definitely been an interesting experience. I hope to find an internship within the next year that will help me secure that perfect job for me.
Hopefully, I will continue on this roll of reading a lot and will have time—I'm currently working 46 hrs a week—to write reviews for some of the great books I have been reading lately. Hopefully everyone is reading some great books, and if you have any recommendations, be sure to leave a comment! Thanks for sticking around :)
A few months ago, I was super lucky to win a Kindle Fire HD from Amazon Student! I had one of the original Kindles from a couple years back, so I was pretty excited to be given the opportunity to upgrade. I have fallen in love with my Kindle Fire and love how my Fire and Android sync with one another, so I can flawlessly go back and forth between both devices. I definitely recommend giving eBooks a chance if you haven't already made the change.
Besides the Kindle, everything has been going pretty well with school and classes—I'm still in love and happy with my writing major! This past year I had some unique opportunities that made me want to pursue a career in editing even more. I was in a literary publishing class that put out our school's literary magazine, in which I helped co-edit and even had a picture of mine published in it! Most recently, last semester I started working at my school's I.T. department doing editing and writing for their online technology articles. It has definitely been an interesting experience. I hope to find an internship within the next year that will help me secure that perfect job for me.
Hopefully, I will continue on this roll of reading a lot and will have time—I'm currently working 46 hrs a week—to write reviews for some of the great books I have been reading lately. Hopefully everyone is reading some great books, and if you have any recommendations, be sure to leave a comment! Thanks for sticking around :)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Delirium: The Improved Review
Imagine a world where there is no love. Love is a disease. Love
causes too many problems in our society—jealousy, anger, destruction. One must
be cured of this “deadly disease.” The government dictates and controls every
citizen. Once a young adult turns eighteen years old, you are mandated to be “fixed”
to erase the feelings of love within you. At this point, you no longer have a
choice in your life once you undergo the surgery. After your evaluation, you
are matched with a mate and given an appropriate career that will suit you
best. Your entire life is planned out for you. You do not have a voice in your
future. New York Times bestselling author Lauren Oliver paints a unique,
dystopian tale of a young girl, rebelling against the norms of society, for
true love with an outsider from the Wild.
“They say that the cure for love will make me happy and safe forever. And I’ve always believed them. Until now. Now everything has changed. Now, I’d rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years suffocated by a lie.”
Lauren Oliver, born and raised in New York, grew up with two
literature professors as parents. Persuaded to be creative early in the arts,
she began to develop her love for writing to expand upon her love of reading. Beginning
her journey by creating sequels for the books she loved, Oliver delved further into
writing by creating her own stories. She began working at Razorbill, a Young
Adult division of Penguin books, where she began to write her own story. Soon
after, she decided to leave Razorbill to become a full-time writer.
Going into Delirium,
I had high expectations from previously reading Oliver's debut novel Before I Fall, also a New York Times
bestseller. Delirium,
however, exceeded my expectations with an intriguing, unique dystopian story
with lovable characters and a gripping storyline. The concept seemed hard to grasp
at first, since I could not possibly imagine our society without love within
it, but the intrigue made the book that more interesting.
The beginning begins off slowly, making it difficult to connect
with the story and relate to the characters. However, the plot quickens after
the first few chapters and leaves you longing to know what will happen next. I
was entirely engrossed, after getting though the slow beginning. I physically
could not put the book down at one point and continued reading until I reached
the heart-pumping, unexpected ending. If you find yourself a little confused
and bored at the beginning, my advice is to push through and continue reading;
because once you do, you will not want to stop. Oliver develops the backstory
of Delirium by beginning
each chapter with little snippets from their law, history, and handbooks as
well as quotes and poems of the society’s culture. The first chapter begins
with one from their law book, “The most dangerous sicknesses are those that
make us believe we are well. – Proverb 42, The Book of Shhh.”
Set in a futuristic Portland, Maine, Lena Holloway considers
herself to be an average girl, no one special. About to turn eighteen and
graduate high school, she cannot wait to undergo the surgery to remove her disease
of love, amor deliria nervosa, which the government believes to be the source
of society’s past problems. Her mother’s death occurred because of the failure
of love. Wanting to be like her cured older sister, Lena wants the surgery as soon
as possible. She longs to be “normal” like the rest of society and to rid
herself of the grief and pain she has felt her whole life. Her schooling and
The Book of Shhh have taught her of the symptoms of catching the deliria of
love. She does not know any better but to accept the preaching of the
government. Anyone not cured of the disease is considered to be a rebel. The
Invalids live in the Wild, a restricted area lying outside of Lena’s perfectly
controlled world. Traveling to the outside is strictly prohibited; a guarded,
electric fence prevents this from happening—but not always…
“Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no
bigger or longer than an edge. That's what it is: an edge; a razor. It draws up
through the center of your life, cutting everything in two. Before and after.
The rest of the world falls away on either side.”
Lena has never conversed with a boy, let alone touch one. Her
society does not allow the two genders to interact or be in the presence of one
another until they are cured. However, when Lena meets an older boy from the
Wild, she begins to question everything she once thought she wanted: a set
future with a suitable husband and a stable career, handpicked for her by the
government. Lena’s best friend always rebels by sneaking out to listen to
prohibited music and hang out with boys. Lena disapproves… until she meets
Alex. The unimaginable occurs as she begins to fall in love with the boy from
the Wild.
Starting to break the rules, Lena secretly meets Alex at night.
She begins to fall deeply for the boy who is pretending to be cured. Alex reveals
his past to Lena and of the possible future for her if she decides to escape
and refuse the cure. She begins to imagine her life in a new light. Having nothing
to lose, she makes the brave decision to leave her society for the Wild with an
Invalid. Coming up with a plan, they decide they will escape to live in the
Wild together. Lena has never felt so sure about anything in her life and
cannot stop the spread of love that has infected her heart and soul. Their
plan, however, does not go as intended. Caught and forced to stay in her house
a week before her operation, Lena starts to lose all hope. Alex comes one night
to rescue her. They make their escape for the Wild, but all does not go as
“I run for I don't know how long. Hours, maybe,
or days. Alex told me to run. So I run. You have to understand. I am no one
special. I am just a single girl. I am five feet two inches tall and I am
in-between in every way. But I have a secret… I love you. Remember. They cannot
take it.”
The mix of romance, action, drama, and mystery allow you to fall
in love with the story of Delirium, but unfortunately, it allows the ending to
be so powerful that it is almost too sad to endure. If you get as attached to
the characters as I did, you will have tears in your eyes as you finish. The
cliffhanger continues in the second book of Oliver’s trilogy, Pandemonium. Overall, Delirium was everything I hoped for and more.
From the unexpected twists to the intriguing characters to the spell-binding
story, you will not be disappointed. The intended audience is for young adults
but can be enjoyed by all ages. I absolutely recommend picking up a copy and
diving right in if you love a dystopian story or just enjoy an enticing read
with an original storyline.
I had to write a book review for my Literary Publishing class, so I decided to post this even though I previously reviewed Delirium. This review is obviously much better and longer than my typical reviews but wanted to post it here too! I will hopefully post some reviews this winter break, so be on the lookout for those :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hey guys, it's been a while... I just entered my local newspaper's contest to show my shelves for a chance at 4 amusement park tickets. I of course entered since I am quite proud and love my book collection! I would greatly appreciate if you guys would take less than a minute to click the link and vote for my shelves. The voting runs from the 13-19th. Thanks!
Monday, April 9, 2012
eBook and eBook reader survey!
Hey guys, for my academic writing class I am doing a research paper on the revolution of eBooks and eBook readers and then comparing the experience to reading a physical hard copy versus reading an electronic copy. I am wondering how eBooks have impacted the reading experience and how readers are reacting to the change.
If you could please fill out my survey, I would greatly appreciate it. It will only take a few minutes to fill out! Thank you (:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Guest Post with Author Mary Pauline Lowry
I wrote my novel THE EARTHQUAKE MACHINE so that women and girls could experience an incredible adventure through the main character RHONDA, who swims across the Rio Grande River to Mexico and transforms herself into a Mexican boy named ANGEL by cutting and dying her hair. She then sets off across Mexico to find her one true friend. By “passing” as a Mexican boy, RHONDA blends in with her new and exotic surroundings and doesn’t have to be scared.
I think as women and girls we often long for amazing adventures ourselves, but sometimes we don’t have them because we’re afraid. We’ve been told that we have to “stay safe” and avoid situations where we might be in danger. The world remains a large and often violent place. And sometimes just being a woman makes us more visible and more vulnerable.
Even though THE EARTHQUAKE MACHINE is a wild, fantastical tale and not at all realistic, I still believe firmly that real life women and girls can push ourselves (and encourage each other) to have adventures as wonderful and amazing as the one RHONDA/ANGEL has. And we can all make a start by reading books that show us strong girls taking risks.
The Earthquake Machine
and every girl’s parents hope she’ll never read.

Determined to find her friend Jésus, Rhonda seizes an opportunity to run away during a camping trip with friends to Big Bend National Park. She swims to the Mexican side of the Rio Grande and makes her way to the border town of Milagros, Mexico. There a peyote- addled bartender convinces her she won’t be safe traveling alone into the country’s interior. So with the bartender’s help, Rhonda cuts her hair and assumes the identity of a Mexican boy named Angel. She then sets off on a burro across the desert to look for Jesús. Thus begins a wild adventure that fulfills the longing of readers eager for a brave and brazen female protagonist.
Author Bio:
Mary Pauline Lowry has worked as a forest firefighter, screenwriter, open water lifeguard, construction worker, and advocate in the movement to end violence against women. At 15, she ran away from home and made it all the way to Matamoros, Mexico. She believes girls should make art, have adventures, and read books that show them the way.
Thank you Mary for this lovely guest post and stopping by!
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