My Bookshelves

The most recent pictures of my bookshelves:


( Bookshelves in 2010)
Hey everyone, I just cleaned up my shelves a bit and thought I would do another bookshelf post. Since my last bookshelf post, I have acquired a lot more books and even gave some away. Here are the new pictures of my shelves...enjoy!:

My headboard full of books!

All my ARCs minus the ones in the 250 Followers Contest plus some 2010 debut author swag

My box sets and series books

Most of these are my favorites that are taller paperbacks

My shorter paperbacks

All of my hardbacks

Closer up view

Other side closer up

In order, the books up to read next then review, plus all my bookmarks and bookish swag!

Another shelf

Books by Stephenie Meyer and J.K. Rowling plus taller hardbacks. This is probably my favorite shelf because I LOVE Harry Potter!

My favorite middle school books

Lots of things going on in this shelf: book pins, Twilight and HP swag, and smaller sized books

Little books plus my favorite Meg Cabot series books

All of the Series of Unfortunate Events books

Trade paperbacks plus some smaller sized hardbacks

Alright that's it! Hope you enjoyed the look into my shelves.
I counted around 250 books, and it keeps growing :) I can't wait to keep expanding