Monday, November 9, 2009

Please Read~Important Info About 100 Followers Contest!

I just created a form that you have to fill out to enter my contests from now on...HERE. I will be the only one who see's the form instead of the whole internet universe seeing your email and other info. If you already entered please use this form to enter again, if you don't you wouldn't be entered. I'm deleting all the comments so far, so please fill out the form : D Sorry for the inconvenience, but it keeps us all safe from from the evil SPAM. Also, once filling out the form please comment below with your choice of book. Thanks everyone!


  1. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to comment with my choice since there wasn't a spot for it on the form....anyways, I would pick Dreamhunter. Thanks!

  2. I signed up on the spread sheet and would like a chance to win Tenth Grade Bleeds. :)

  3. I filled out the form and I would like the chance to win Candle Man.


I love comments so leave me your thoughts! :)